At The Chiropractic Clinics in Liverpool and on the Wirral we are offering the opportunity to consult Dr Brett Gibbens BSc(hons) MSc(Chiro) DC for only £5.
It is available so that you can come into the clinic, have a chat to Brett, ask any questions about what we do to get a good idea if and how he can help with your problem.
It usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and Brett will have a look at the area that you are suffering with, and based on his experience and what he sees, he will give you a good idea of what it might be able to do for you, and of course how long it might take.
We think it is a really great opportunity to dip your toe in the water and find out what we can do. Just give the clinic a call to book your slot.
Liverpool: 0151 4275000
Wirral: 0151 6485000