For the last 11 years I have played on the GB Softball team and when not actually playing softball, I am inundated with requests for treatment.
Softball is a sport that believe it or not, puts an enormous amount of stress through the body and this is especially true when you are batting. Going from a standing still position to then rotating your body through over 180 degrees in a split second can have a serious impact on your lower back. Fortunately however, due mostly to effective warm up routines this is not an area I have to deal with very often.
One of the most common injuries I have to deal with on a regular basis is sprained/twisted ankles. This occurs mainly when the athletes are running the bases. The ankle has to withstand a huge amount of force as you "corner" the bases, and if there is any weakness or even fatigue in the muscles in this area, then the inevitable often happens..... an inversion sprain!! This is where the the ankle literally collapses in on itself and the outer ligaments that support the ankle are stretched too far. An inversion sprain is the most common ankle injury.
Softball is a sport that believe it or not, puts an enormous amount of stress through the body and this is especially true when you are batting. Going from a standing still position to then rotating your body through over 180 degrees in a split second can have a serious impact on your lower back. Fortunately however, due mostly to effective warm up routines this is not an area I have to deal with very often.
One of the most common injuries I have to deal with on a regular basis is sprained/twisted ankles. This occurs mainly when the athletes are running the bases. The ankle has to withstand a huge amount of force as you "corner" the bases, and if there is any weakness or even fatigue in the muscles in this area, then the inevitable often happens..... an inversion sprain!! This is where the the ankle literally collapses in on itself and the outer ligaments that support the ankle are stretched too far. An inversion sprain is the most common ankle injury.
If the sprain is only minor, reinforcing it with strapping (see picture) can allow the athlete to carry on with the game immediately, but the after care is vitally important in order to allow the athletes to continue playing/training without interruption. On the other hand, if there is immediate swelling and inability to weight bear without pain then we have to be certain that the damage is not just over stretching of the ligaments but actual tearing of such structures. If this is the case then stopping the athlete from continuing is paramount and rehabilitative care and treatment is required straight away. This will consist primarily of what is known as RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, followed by proprioception retraining and strengthening of the musculature in and around the ankle joint.
Obviously, ankle injuries such as the inversion sprain can happen in all walks of life, but we are well equipped to deal with them through our treatment and rehabilitative plans here at all the clinics.